Skipping Ninjas 2011 Scoreboard

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sat. Apr 9, 9:00am vs. FLAMING PANDAS

Coming off of the tie in the last game, the SKIPPING NINJAS were set to face EAST BAY FLOOR COVERING, who, in the time since our last game, had finally settled on a name for their team. Since their team colors are red and black, they decided on the FLAMING PANDAS. The FLAMING PANDAS were our 1st game of the season and handed the SKIPPING NINJAS their 1st loss. Silly team names aside, the SKIPPING NINJAS couldn’t take this opponent lightly as the NINJAS sought to avenge their loss.

1st Inning
Erika was selected to lead the offense in the 1st inning. It had been a while since Erika was at the pitching rubber, and it showed as she had to shake off a little rust. Struggling against the 1st 2 FLAMING PANDAS batters, Erika put runners on 1st and 2nd with 2 walks in a row. Erika started to warm up a bit and got the 3rd batter to take a swing for a strike. She followed it up with 2 ball pitches and it looked like she was headed toward walking another batter and loading the bases, but she was able to throw her next pitch down the middle. The batter took a swing and connected, sending the ball over the infield toward Miara at center field. Miara got a good read on the ball and ran in to make the catch for the out. Erika continued to throw erratically on the next batter. She fought hard to find her rhythm, but eventually walked the batter and loaded the bases. Erika regrouped as the next FLAMING PANDAS batter came to the plate. Erika fired in a strike to start things off and caught the batter napping. She threw another one down the middle that the batter fouled off. Not wanting to go down without a fight, the batter took a swing at Erika’s next pitch and missed, striking out for the 2nd out of the inning. The next FLAMING PANDAS batter was determined to bring her teammates home and swung aggressively. She fouled off the 1st 3 pitches and it seemed to rattle Erika a bit. Erika threw a ball on the next pitch to bring the count to 1-2. On the next pitch, the batter connected and sent the ball deep into the SKIPPING NINJAS left center field for a double. Going over her head, Kas had to scramble to recover the ball. Unfortunately, by the time Kas got the ball back to the infield, all 3 runners that were previously on base scored. Erika got back to work. Her 1st pitch on the next batter got past Hylah, which allowed the runner to make it to 3rd. The batter took a cut on the next pitch and missed, bringing the count to 1-1. On the next pitch, the batter put the ball in play and sent a fast grounder straight back to Erika. Erika picked up the ball, but decided to take a look at 3rd to freeze the runner. By the time Erika turned her attention to 1st base, it was too late and the batter got on base. The next batter connected with Erika’s 1st pitch and put the ball in play. She sent a grounder straight up the 1st base line toward Rebecca. With a bad bounce, the ball got past Rebecca and the batter reached 1st and the runner on 3rd made it home. The next batter came up to bat and, feeding off of the momentum that the FLAMING PANDAS started to generate, took a swing and connected with Erika’s 1st pitch. She sent a fast grounder toward Natalie, playing short stop. Natalie got in front of the ball and, taking her time, picked it up and connected with Rebecca at 1st for the final defensive out of the inning.

Trailing by 4 to start the game off, it looked like an uphill climb for the NINJAS as Kas came up to bat to start things off. It was a see saw battle between Kas and the FLAMING PANDAS pitcher, but, after reaching full count, the pitcher put Kas on base with a walk. Erika was up next. In similar fashion, Erika battled to full count before being sent to 1st on a walk. Miara was up next. The FLAMING PANDAS pitcher continued to struggle. Miara took a swing at the 1st pitch but missed. The next pitch got past the catcher and Kas and Erika advanced on the passed ball. Eventually, a walk on Miara loaded the bases for the SKIPPING NINJAS. Not able to find her groove, the PANDAS pitcher continued her skid and walked Rebecca, bringing Kas home. Hylah was up next and another walk kept the bases loaded and brought Erika across the plate. Elise was up next. Elise took a swing at the 1st pitch for a strike. But the PANDAS pitcher’s inconsistent pitching kept Elise guessing. Eventually, after reaching full count, Elise took a final swing on the next pitch and struck out. With bases loaded and 1 out, Rachel was up next. After 2 balls in a row, Rachel held her bat on the next pitch, but the pitcher was able to find her target and brought the count to 2-1. Catching the FLAMING PANDAS defense by surprise, Miara, at 3rd, took off like a shot as the catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher and scored. Rachel regrouped and returned to the plate to finish her at bat. Rattled, the PANDAS pitcher threw a ball on the next pitch. On the passed ball, Rebecca stole 3rd and got herself into scoring position. Finally, a walk on Rachel loaded the bases again. Natalie was up next. After a ball on the 1st pitch, Natalie took a swing and sent a fly ball out into right center field for a single, bringing Rebecca and Hylah home and giving the NINJAS a 1 point lead. With the PANDAS defense focusing on the out at home, Rachel took advantage of the opening and took off for 3rd. The PANDAS tried to throw her out, but missed the connection. Dusting herself off, Rachel got up and took off like a shot, scoring on the overthrow to 3rd and adding to the SKIPPING NINJAS lead. Trying to regroup, the PANDAS brought the ball back in and got set to face Katrina. Continuing to struggle, the pitcher walked Katrina, but not before Natalie was able to steal her way to 3rd base. Aale’a was up next. After reaching 2-1, Aale’a was hit with a pitch and was awarded 1st base. Back at the top of the lineup, Kas was up next. After a ball on the 1st pitch, Kas connected and popped the ball up over the PANDAS infield. The defense was able to get under the ball for the out on Kas. It was Erika’s 2nd appearance at the plate in the 1st inning. After a ball on the 1st pitch, Erika connected, sending a ball deep into right field for a single. As the ball hit the ground in fair territory, the NINJAS sprung into action. Natalie scored and, rolling the dice, Katrina took off for home as the PANDAS threw the ball to the catcher. The throw went wide and Katrina was able to reach home safely. Miara was up next. She took a swing at the pitcher’s 1st pitch and put it in play. Unfortunately, the ball went straight back to the PANDAS pitcher and she was able to scoop it up and make the throw to 1st for the 3rd out, but the damage was done and the NINJAS took over the lead by scoring 8 runs in the inning.


2nd Inning
In an attempt to maintain the lead that the SKIPPING NINJAS were able to create in the 1st, Miara was brought in to pitch. Miara did not disappoint as she put on a pitching clinic in the 2nd. The 1st batter came up to bat. She tried her best to get the PANDAS offense going as she fouled off Miara’s 1st pitch. After a ball, the count was at 1-1 and the next pitch came in hot. The batter was caught off guard and held her bat for a strike. Another ball evened up the count. Then, on Miara’s next pitch, the batter took a swing and struck out. The next batter took her turn. She came out swinging, hoping to get the offense going, but on 3 pitches, was sent back to the dugout. Miara slowed down a bit on the next batter and couldn’t quite get the pitches in. After balls on the 1st 2 pitches, the count was at 2-0. The batter took cuts on Miara’s next 2 pitches and evened up the count. After another ball, the batter took a swing, but it was academic as the strike pitch reached its target and the batter was sent packing with the PANDAS offense shut down in the 2nd.

In an attempt to stay in the game, the PANDAS were forced to try out a new pitcher. This pitcher started to struggle right away against Rebecca who was up 1st in the inning. Throwing more balls than strikes against an eager Rebecca, the pitcher was able to reach full count. Unfortunately, she couldn’t close the deal and Rebecca walked. Hylah was up next. Again the pitcher struggled and walked Hylah after reaching full count. With NINJAS runners on 1st and 2nd, the pitcher got set to face off against Elise. A passed ball on the 1st pitch sent Rebecca to 3rd on a steal. A ball on the next pitch sent Hylah to 2nd on another steal. With runners threatening to score and after another ball pitch brought the count to 3-0, the PANDAS pitcher found her rhythm and got Elise to swing for a strike. Elise fouled off the next pitch to reach full count. On the last pitch, Elise took a swing, but missed and struck out. Rachel was up next. After a ball on the 1st pitch, Rachel connected on the next pitch, sending a hard grounder to 3rd base for a single. With the 3rd baseman going for the out at 1st on Rachel, Rebecca and Hylah took off. Hylah advanced to 3rd as Rebecca crossed the plate. When play resumed, Natalie took her position at the plate. The pitcher fired one in for strike 1 on Natalie. On the pitch, Rachel stole 2nd base. Natalie connected on the next pitch and sent another hard grounder to the PANDAS 3rd baseman. Looking Hylah back to 3rd, the 3rd baseman went for the out at 1st and Hylah quickly turned and gunned it for home, adding another point to the SKIPPING NINJAS lead. Katrina came up next. She took a swing at the 1st pitch and sent yet another grounder to the PANDAS 3rd baseman for a single and the bases were loaded. Aale’a was up next. The pitcher started to lose it, throwing balls on her 1st 2 pitches against Aale’a. Aale’a took a swing at the next pitch, bringing up 2-1. On the pitch, Rachel took a big lead and threatened to make the run home. The catcher got up and tried to get Rachel out with a throw to 3rd, but missed her target and Rachel was able to score on the overthrow. While the PANDAS scrambled to recover the ball, Natalie made her way to 3rd and was quickly sent home, putting another NINJAS run on the board. The pitcher got back to work against Aale’a. She split the difference on the next 2 pitches, bringing up full count. On the last pitch, Aale’a took a swing, but missed it and struck out. Reaching the top of the lineup again, Kas was up, making her 3rd plate appearance on the day. Kas connected on the 1st pitch and sent a slow grounder rolling through the PANDAS infield. This time, the PANDAS were ready and were able to pick up the ball and make the throw to 1st for the out on Kas, ending the NINJAS 2nd inning rush.


3rd Inning
With a stellar pitching performance in the last inning, Miara was given another shot at the rubber. Watching the game get away from them, the PANDAS started to get anxious. The 1st batter came out swinging and connected on Miara’s 1st pitch. She sent a hard grounder up the middle of the infield. Reacting quickly, Miara got in front of the ball and picked it up. Taking her time, she tossed the ball to 1st for the out. Miara began to struggle against the 2nd batter and started off by throwing 3 balls in a row, bringing up a 3-0 count. The batter connected on the 4th pitch, but sent another grounder straight to Miara. Again, she picked up the ball and made the easy throw to 1st for 2 outs. The next batter came up to the plate. She fouled off Miara’s 1st pitch. After 2 balls, the PANDAS batter fouled off another pitch to even up the count at 2-2. The batter connected on the next pitch and sent a fly ball over the NINJAS infield. Rachel, playing 2nd, moved in to make the catch, but couldn’t get a handle on it and the batter earned a single. Miara struggled against the next batter and walked her, but not before the runner on base stole her way to scoring position. With PANDAS runners on 1st and 3rd, Miara got back into position to face the next batter. Refocused and wanting to get out of the inning, Miara dug deep and found her pitch. Throwing heat, Miara got one by the batter’s swing for strike 1. On the next pitch, the batter held her bat, seemingly counting on a ball, but the pitch found its target for strike 2. On the next pitch, the batter took a swing and missed, striking out and leaving the PANDAS runners stranded as the NINJAS offense took to the field.

Erika was up 1st to lead the SKIPPING NINJAS charge in the 3rd. Counting on the continued struggles of the PANDAS pitchers, Erika took the 1st pitch for a strike. She took a swing at the next pitch, but fouled it off to bring up 0-2. After a ball, Erika connected and put the ball in play. Sadly, the ball popped up and the PANDAS defense was able to make the catch for the out. Miara was up next. The pitcher lost her pitch and, with 4 pitches, walked Miara. Rebecca came up next as the pitcher continued her skid. Taking advantage of the situation, Miara stole her way to 3rd as Rebecca racked up enough balls in the count to take a walk to 1st. Hylah was up next. Hylah took a swing at the 1st pitch and missed. On the pitch, Rebecca successfully stole 2nd. Losing her touch once again, the pitcher missed her mark on 2 straight pitches, bringing the count to 2-1. Once again, timing it perfectly, Miara took off for home as soon as the catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher and scored. In the scramble, Rebecca made it to 3rd. Hylah fouled off 1 more pitch before going down swinging on the follow-up. Elise was up next and Rebecca was on her toes, ready to make a break for home if the opportunity presented itself. Elise took a swing at the 1st pitch for a strike. After a ball brought the count to 1-1, Elise took a swing again. Once again, she barely missed the ball and brought up strike 2. On the next pitch, Elise held her bat, reading ball. Unfortunately, the umpire saw it differently and called the strikeout on Elise, ending the inning and bringing the PANDAS out for another go.


4th Inning
Enjoying a commanding lead and wanting to save Miara’s arm, in case we needed it later in the game, the SKIPPING NINJAS selected Natalie to pitch in the 4th inning. With the clock ticking on the game, a sense of desperation started to creep into the FLAMING PANDAS team. The 1st batter came out to try to turn things around. After a ball on Natalie’s 1st pitch, the batter connected. The ball popped up and, waving everyone off, Natalie got under the ball and made the catch for the 1st out of the inning. The next batter came out swinging as well. Putting her bat on the ball, the batter sent a fast grounder toward Hylah, now playing 3rd. Hylah, reached out her glove and collected the ball. She fired the ball to 1st for the 2nd out. The next PANDAS batter came to the plate. She took the 1st pitch and it was ruled a ball. The batter took a swing at Natalie’s next pitch and got a hold of it, sending it out into right center field. Erika quickly recovered the ball and held the batter to a single. The next batter put the ball in play on the 1st pitch. But, she sent a slow grounder straight back to Natalie. She came off of the rubber to scoop up the ball. Then, she turned and threw it to 1st for the 3rd out, forcing the side change.

Rachel was up 1st in the 4th inning. After reaching 1-2 in a short battle with the pitcher, Rachel hit a grounder to 3rd base for a single. Natalie was up next. On the pitcher’s release, Rachel quickly made her way to 2nd base while Natalie put the ball in play. Natalie shot a hard grounder to the right field grass for a single as Rachel made it to 3rd on the play. A walk on Katrina loaded the bases for the SKIPPING NINJAS. Aale’a was up next. Aale’a, gaining confidence in her swing, got anxious to hit the ball and took a poke a high pitch for a strike. The pitcher followed it up with a ball to even up the count. Aale’a swung at a low pitch for strike 2. Another ball evened up the count one more time. Finally, Aale’a’s anxious swinging got the better of her and she struck out. It was Kas’s turn at bat. Kas took a swing at the 1st pitch and missed. The ball got past the catcher and Rachel tried to make it home. The catcher was ready for her and got back to the plate in time to put the tag on Rachel for the out. Kas came back to resume her at bat. After a ball brought the count to 1-1, Kas fouled of the next pitch. Then she swung and missed the next pitch, striking out and leaving both teams unable to score in the 4th inning.


5th Inning
Natalie was brought back in to pitch. Natalie started to struggle right away. She walked the 1st 2 PANDAS batters. Natalie continued to struggle and the PANDAS runners took advantage of the situation by stealing their way into scoring position. With 2 balls in the count, Natalie got back to work. She threw 1 more ball across the plate before the batter connected. The ball flew fast over the SKIPPING NINJAS infield. Rachel was able to get her glove out to make the catch for the out. Tagging up, the runner on 3rd took off for home as the NINJAS were celebrating Rachel’s catch. Quickly, Rachel threw the ball home and Hylah caught the ball and tagged the runner, turning the double play and preventing the score. Eventually, a walk on the batter put another PANDAS runner on base. The next batter came out swinging. She connected on Natalie’s 1st pitch, but the slow grounder went straight back to Natalie, who picked the ball up and made the throw to 1st for the 3rd out, ending the inning for the FLAMING PANDAS.

With time inching closer to the end of the game, the FLAMING PANDAS defense needed to get out of the 5th inning quickly if they were to get another shot at adding to their current score. Erika was up 1st. Swinging on the 1st pitch, Erika connected, sending the ball out into right field. The PANDAS right fielder couldn’t make the catch, but recovered quickly to make the throw to 1st, getting the out on Erika. Miara was up next and, after reaching full count, hit a hard ground ball out to left field for a single. Rebecca was up next. On a couple of ball pitches against Rebecca, Miara was able to make her way to 3rd base. With 2-0 in the count, Rebecca put the ball in play. Unfortunately, the fly ball was easily caught by the PANDAS defense and Rebecca was out. It was Hylah’s turn at bat. The 1st pitch against Hylah got past the catcher. That was all the opening that Miara needed to score on the passed ball. After swinging for a strike and evening up the count, Hylah connected and got a single from a hard ground ball to right center field. A walk on Elise put NINJAS runners on 1st and 2nd. Rachel was up next. The pitcher had a difficult time finding the strike zone on Rachel. After a ball and a strike, another ball got past the catcher and Hylah and Elise safely advanced on a steal. Rachel connected on the next pitch. Unfortunately, the ball popped up and the PANDAS were able to make the catch for the 3rd out. Right after the 3rd out, the umpire called time on the game and the SKIPPING NINJAS came away with a big victory.

Final Score

Fun Fact
With SKIPPING NINJAS taking home the victory in this game, all 4 teams in our division had matching records. That is, until the next divisional game took place the very next day, ending the 4 way tie.

Game Ball
It was a great day for the SKIPPING NINJAS girls. There was some good action all over the field on both sides of the ball and the NINJAS offense came alive and carried the girls to victory. Natalie put on another great performance in her 2 innings at the rubber. Rachel and Hylah had a great double play as well. Miara had a great day also, mostly at short stop, but in the outfield, and at pitcher as well. Rebecca also had a great day at 1st base, getting a number of outs, which contributed heavily toward our win – it was also her 1st time at 1st this season. So, Miara and Rebecca were each awarded a game ball for their efforts in this game. Great job out there NINJAS!

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