Skipping Ninjas 2011 Scoreboard

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sat. Apr 2, 2pm vs. INTENSITY

With the recent rains interfering with 4 of our scheduled games, SKIPPING NINJAS were back on the field to face INTENSITY after almost a 3 week hiatus. The girls were anxious to get back at it, but with the lack of field time in recent weeks, it almost felt like the beginning of the season all over again. As home team, the SKIPPING NINJAS defense took the field with Erika taking the reins at the pitching rubber.

1st Inning
Trying to shake off some field rust from the long layoff, Erika, after reaching full count, walked the 1st batter. The 2nd INTENSITY batter came up to bat. On the 1st pitch, the runner on 1st stole 2nd base. On the next pitch, the batter connected, sending a hard grounder past Elise at 2nd for a single. Erika lost control of her 1st pitch on the 3rd batter. The batter was hit by the ball and walked, loading the bases early for INTENSITY. Erika, still affected by her last pitch, lost her rhythm and, at 2-0, with a passed ball, the door was open for the INTENSITY runner on 3rd to come home, putting INTENSITY on the board. A walk on the next INTENSITY batter loaded the bases again. Refocused, Erika was able to get the next INTENSITY batter to swing and, after a short battle to reach 1-2, struck the batter out for the 1st out of the inning. The next batter came out and swung aggressively. The grounder rolled toward Elise. This time Elise was able to reel it in and toss the ball to 1st for the 2nd out, but not before another INTENSITY runner crossed the plate. With the 7th INTENSITY batter at the plate and runners again in scoring position, Erika dug deep and strung together 3 good pitches and struck out the INTENSITY batter to close out the top of the 1st.

Kas was 1st up in the 1st inning. Swinging aggressively, she took a cut on the 2nd pitch and connected, sending a grounder toward the INTENSITY short stop for a single. Erika was up next. Kas successfully stole her way to scoring position on the next 2 pitches. With the count at 1-1, Erika took a swing on the next pitch and connected. She sent a fast grounder rolling through the dirt toward the INTENSITY 2nd baseman. Kas saw an opening and scored from 3rd base as the INTENSITY defense focused on the easy out on Erika at 1st. Lexie was up next. Keeping the sticks moving, after strike 2, Lexie sent a hard grounder tearing through the INTENSITY infield and out into the left field grass for a single. Rachel was up next. Unfortunately, she was sent back to the dugout after striking out. Sensing the urgency, Lexie started to make her way around the bases, reaching 2nd on the 1st pitch on Elise. The INTENSITY pitcher also turned up the heat and was able to get 3 pitches past Elise for the 2nd strikeout in a row, shutting the door on the 1st inning.


2nd Inning
Erika was back as pitcher to start off the 2nd inning. Trailing by 1, the SKIPPING NINJAS defense took the field. Still finding her pitch, Erika walked the 1st INTENSITY batter. On a wild pitch after reaching full count, the runner easily stole 2nd. Continuing the skid, Erika walked the next batter, putting runners on 1st and 2nd. Erika started to find her groove. Unfortunately, the 3rd INTENSITY batter did as well and, after reaching 1-2, connected. She sent a high fly ball over the SKIPPING NINJAS infield. Natalie, playing 1st, moved in under the ball to make the catch, holding the runners on their respective bases. The next batter came to the plate and, seeing Erika start to find her groove, started to swing her bat as well. At full count, she sent a fly ball out toward Aale’a in right field. The ball hit the ground in front of Aale’a, awarding the batter a single and advancing the runners. As Aale’a picked up the ball, the runner decided to take a shot for home. Aale’a threw the ball back in and the SKIPPING NINJAS defense was able to get the ball back to Hylah at home to prevent the score, notching the 2nd out of the inning as the runners moved into scoring position. After reaching full count the next batter connected on Erika’s last pitch, sending a grounder toward Natalie. Natalie was able to scoop it up and run back to 1st for the easy out.

Hylah was up 1st. Seeing the count reach 1-1, Hylah was unable to connect. She found her timing on the next pitch and sent a fast grounder down the 3rd base line. The INTENSITY 3rd baseman reeled it in and gunned the ball across the field for the out on Hylah at 1st. Rebecca was up next. In similar fashion, Rebecca took a few of pitches to warm up. At full count, she connected and also sent a grounder toward the 3rd baseman. This time the grounder was a bit slower, giving Rebecca the time she needed to make it to 1st. Natalie was up next. On the 1st pitch on Natalie, Rebecca stole 2nd base. On the next pitch, Natalie hit a hard grounder through the infield out into left field. Katrina came to the plate for her 1st at bat of the day. On the 1st pitch, Rebecca stole 3rd base and the INTENSITY catcher tried to throw her out. The throw missed the mark and Rebecca got up, took off for home and scored. Natalie stole 2nd base to get closer to scoring position. Unfortunately, after full count, Katrina wasn’t able to put the ball in play and was struck out. Aale’a was up next. The 1st pitch was a passed ball and Natalie successfully stole 3rd. Aale’a tried to bring Natalie home. She started to swing her bat, but, sadly, each pitch was just out of reach and Aale’a struck out, leaving Natalie stranded on 3rd to close out the inning.


3rd Inning
With the game tied at the top of the 3rd inning, Lexie took to the rubber to lead the SKIPPING NINJAS defense. On Lexie’s 1st pitch, the batter was able to hit a fast grounder to the left field grass for a single. The next INTENSITY batter came to the plate and as Lexie worked up to full count, the runner was able to steal her way to 3rd base. Lexie was able to find her target and got the 2nd batter to swing and miss for the strikeout. Having found her rhythm, Lexie followed the strikeout with a 1st strike pitch. The batter was ready and took a swing. She sent a slow roller down the middle and Lexie picked it up, but, with a runner on 3rd, Lexie hesitated to make the throw to 1st and the batter made it safely to 1st. Following the previous batter’s lead, the next INTENSITY player also took a swing at Lexie’s 1st pitch and sent a grounder through the SKIPPING NINJAS infield and out to the left center field grass for a single, bringing home the lead runner. Lexie got right back to work. With a 3-0 count, the next INTENSITY batter put the ball in play. She hit a ground ball toward 2nd base and the runners took off. Erika, playing 2nd scooped up the ball, but a wild throw and a miss to 1st gave the batter a single and opened the door for 2 more INTENSITY runs. With new determination, Lexie started to throw heat. She struck out the next batter on 4 pitches as the INTENSITY runner started to make her way around the bases. For a moment, Lexie lost her pitch and, after ball 2 on the next batter, she hit her with a pitch, putting another INTENSITY runner on base. The next batter came to the plate and put the ball in play on Lexie’s 1st pitch. The runners took off. The slow grounder rolled right into Lexie’s waiting glove and, taking her time, Lexie got up and tossed the ball to 1st for the 3rd out of the inning.

The SKIPPING NINJAS offense was back to take their at bats. Back at the top of the lineup, Kas was ready to go at the plate. The INTENSITY pitcher took a moment to get going. After 4 pitches, Kas was on base with a walk. Erika was up next. On the 1st pitch, Erika hit a hard grounder out into left field for a single. Lexie came to the plate next and, in similar fashion, got a hit on the pitcher’s 1st toss. Lexie hit a hard grounder to the other side of the field for another single. As the INTENSITY outfield scrambled to collect the ball, Kas took off for home and scored. With runners on 1st and 2nd, Rachel was up next. The 1st pitch on Rachel got past the catcher and Erika and Lexie took off on a steal. The INTENSITY catcher was able to recover quickly and got the quick throw off in time to get the out on Erika stealing 3rd base as Lexie reached 2nd. On the next pitch, Rachel connected, but popped it up over the infield. The INTENSITY short stop was able to get under it for the easy out on Rachel. Elise was up next. After reaching 2-1, Elise got a piece of the ball and hit a hard grounder out to right center for a single. As the INTENSITY defense went for the 3rd out, they overthrew 1st base and allowed Lexie to come home for the 2nd run of the inning. Hylah was up next. On the 1st pitch, Hylah sent a hard ground ball out to left field for a single. With runners on 1st and 2nd, Rebecca came up to the plate. After a ball on the 1st pitch, Rebecca connected. The ground ball dribbled through the 3rd base side of the infield and the runners were on the move. The INTENSITY short stop rushed in to collect the ball. Taking her time, she made the cross-field throw and beat Rebecca to 1st for the 3rd out.


4th Inning
With the game moving into the 4th inning and INTENSITY leading by 1, the SKIPPING NINJAS defense took their positions on the field. Lexie was back at the rubber. Cooled down from the last inning, Lexie took a moment to warm back up. After reaching full count, the 1st batter roped one out into left field for a double. The next batter put the ball in play on Lexie’s 1st pitch. The slow grounder took Erika out of position to collect the ball. As she turned, there was no one covering 1st to receive the ball for the out and the batter reached 1st safely. The next batter came out swinging as well and put the ball in play. This time, she sent a grounder down the 3rd base line toward Hylah. With the runner heading home, Hylah went for the out at 1st. Erika missed the catch and the batter got a single as the runner scored from 3rd. Lexie hit the next batter with a pitch, loading the bases. Collecting herself, Lexie was able to come back against the next INTENSITY batter and struck her out with 4 pitches. Continuing to throw good pitches, Lexie got the next batter to swing. The batter connected on Lexie’s 2nd pitch and popped the ball up. Lexie strolled under the ball to make the easy catch for the 2nd out of the inning. Faltering a bit on the next batter, Lexie threw a good pitch that the batter fouled off. The next pitch was a ball that got past Katrina, playing catcher. As Katrina chased the ball up the 3rd base side of the backstop, the runner on 3rd capitalized and crossed the plate as the other INTENSITY runners advanced. Getting right back to it, Lexie found her groove. She threw a pitch right down the middle that the next batter fouled off. Lexie drilled another through to Katrina’s glove. Swing and a miss. Strike 2. Lexie threw heat on the next pitch and the batter took a swing. She missed and struck out.

Trailing by 3, the SKIPPING NINJAS needed to wake up their offense if they were going to stay in this game. Natalie was up 1st. Swinging aggressively, Natalie fouled off the 1st 2 pitches. The next 2 pitches missed the mark, bringing up 2-2. Anticipating and seeing another ball pitch, Natalie held her bat. Unfortunately, the umpire saw otherwise and ruled the INTENSITY pitcher’s next pitch a strike, sending Natalie back to the dugout empty handed. Katrina was up next. Splitting the difference on the 1st 2 pitches, the pitcher started to struggle and walked Katrina. The pitcher recovered against Aale’a and struck her out on 3 strike pitches. Kas came up to the plate. With the count at 2-0, the INTENSITY pitcher threw a wild pitch that hit Kas, putting a 2nd SKIPPING NINJAS runner on base. Erika came to the plate next to see if she could jump start the SKIPPING NINJAS offense. Erika fouled off the 1st pitch. The next pitch got past the catcher and allowed the SKIPPING NINJAS runners to advance into scoring position. A walk on Erika loaded the bases. Lexie was up next. Lexie fouled off the 1st pitch. She took a swing on the next pitch, but missed for strike 2. The next 3 pitches brought up full count. Lexie had to swing if it was close. The pitcher wound up as Lexie loaded her bat. The pitcher took a step forward and released the ball. Lexie waited. Then, she launched the bat. The bat sailed right over the pitch and Lexie struck out, leaving 3 runners on base with no runs scored in the 4th.


5th Inning
Lexie was back at pitcher to start off the 5th inning. With INTENSITY extending their lead, the SKIPPING NINJAS defense needed to make a stand to stay in the game. Lexie struggled against the 1st batter. Alternating pitches until full count, the batter fouled one off before a ball pitch walked her to 1st. Continuing to alternate her pitches, Lexie was able to strike out the next INTENSITY batter. Lexie lost her groove on the next batter and the runner worked her way around the bases to 3rd on ball pitches. At 3-0, the batter fouled off Lexie’s next pitch. On the following pitch, the batter connected and sent a slow ground ball back toward Lexie. Lexie picked it up, looked at 3rd base to freeze the runner, and turned to make the throw to 1st. The throw got past Erika and the runner on 3rd seized the opportunity to score. Lexie resumed alternating pitches on the next batter. On the 4th pitch, the batter connected and sent a low fly ball down the 1st base line to right field that landed in fair territory for a single. A walk on the next batter loaded the bases for INTENSITY. With their bats coming alive, the next INTENSITY batter came out swinging. She sent a hard grounder past the SKIPPING NINJAS infield out toward Rebecca in left field. Rebecca fell on the grass as she tried to recover the ball and 2 runners crossed the plate. A walk on the next batter loaded the bases. Lexie got back to work as the next INTENSITY batter came to the plate. But she still struggled. With the count at 3-1, a passed ball that, again, got away from Katrina, started the INTENSITY runners moving, bringing 1 more run across home plate. Finally, a walk on the batter loaded the bases again. Frustrated by the turn of events and INTENSITY’s increasing lead, Lexie was more determined than ever to get the SKIPPING NINJAS out of the inning. She quickly struck out the next batter, notching the 2nd out of the inning. Lexie split the difference again with the 1st 2 pitches on the next batter. The batter connected on Lexie’s 3rd pitch and sent a grounder up the middle of the infield. Lexie reeled it in and, this time, took her time to get the throw to Erika at 1st. Erika’s glove wrapped itself around the ball, securing the 3rd out of the inning.

With the game slipping away, the SKIPPING NINJAS needed some runs. Rachel was up 1st. She took the 1st 2 pitches, but the pitcher was able to hit her mark. After 2 ball pitches, the count reached 2-2. Expecting another ball pitch, Rachel held her bat and was struck out. A walk on Elise put a SKIPPING NINJAS runner on base. With Hylah up next, we needed to get Elise into scoring position to maximize Hylah’s at bat. So, we called in the hit and run. Hylah took a cut on the 1st pitch as Elise took off for 2nd. Hylah missed the ball, but the catcher kept control of it and she quickly got up for the throwdown at 2nd. Elise seemed to be running in slow motion on the play and the ball beat her to 2nd and the INTENSITY defense got the 2nd out of the inning. The next 2 pitches on Hylah missed their target, but the INTENSITY pitcher regained her focus on the following 2 pitches. Hylah tried her best, but missed on both, striking out. The INTENSITY defense successfully stymied the SKIPPING NINJAS offense for 2 innings in a row.


6th Inning
With INTENSITY enjoying a commanding lead, it was time to give them a different look. Natalie was selected to lead the defense in the 6th. Natalie got off to a rocky start. She hit the 1st batter on her 3rd pitch. A walk on the 2nd INTENSITY batter put runners on 1st and 2nd. The 3rd batter got hold of Natalie’s 1st pitch and sent a grounder through the infield to Elise, playing 2nd base. Elise scooped up the ball and made the toss to 1st for the out as the runners advanced to 2nd and 3rd respectively. A walk on the next batter loaded the bases. Natalie battled with the next batter until the count was full. On the next pitch, the batter hit a ground ball toward Elise. Elise fumbled with the ball as she came up. By the time she recovered, the batter reached 1st and 1 run came across the plate. The next INTENSITY batter came up to bat. After a ball on Natalie’s 1st pitch, the batter connected and sent a high fly ball out into left field. Rebecca moved in to make the catch. She positioned herself under the ball, but as she made a last second adjustment, she fell and the ball hit the ground awarding the batter a single on the play as another INTENSITY runner crossed the plate. As she scrambled to recover the ball, the INTENSITY runners took advantage and brought another run in. A walk on the next batter loaded the bases again. With a newfound fire, Natalie decided to get the SKIPPING NINJAS out of the inning. Natalie threw heat on her 1st 2 pitches and caught the next INTENSITY batter napping at the plate. The 3rd pitch was a ball. Then, Natalie found the heat again and threw one across to Hylah’s glove. The batter took a swing, but missed and struck out. Natalie kept them coming. 1st pitch got the next batter to swing and miss. The 2nd pitch was exactly the same, bringing up 0-2. A ball on the next pitch gave both Natalie and the batter a short breather. Then, Natalie dug deep and threw the heat again. The batter, seeing the strike pitch, took a swing and barely missed the ball, striking out and bringing out the SKIPPING NINJAS offense for their last attempt at a comeback.

Trailing INTENSITY by 7 points, it was almost a foregone conclusion that the SKIPPING NINJAS would drop this game, but with their spirits and their hopes still high, they weren’t counting themselves out just yet. The SKIPPING NINJAS were ready to “die with their boots on” as the saying goes. Rebecca was up 1st. Rebecca fought hard and, after nearly striking out, eventually got on base with a walk. Natalie was up next. The 1st pitch on Natalie was a passed ball. The next pitch was also a ball and Rebecca took off for 2nd. The catcher quickly recovered and threw the ball to 2nd. Rebecca went to slide, but the INTENSITY 2nd baseman was able to get the ball and apply the tag just as Rebecca reached the base. It was a tight squeeze, but the base umpire ruled it an out. Finally, a walk on Natalie put a SKIPPING NINJAS runner on base again. Katrina was up next. Katrina battled with the pitcher as Natalie stole her way to 3rd. The pitcher began to struggle and a walk on Katrina put runners on 1st and 3rd. With 1 strike in the mix, the pitcher continued her skid and a walk on Aale’a loaded the bases. Back at the top of the lineup, Kas came to the plate next. When the count reached 2-0, Kas took a swing on the next pitch. She connected and sent a ground ball through the infield toward the INTENSITY 2nd baseman. The 2nd baseman scooped it up and decided to toss the ball to 2nd base as that was closer to get the 2nd out on Aale’a, which allowed Natalie to cross the plate. In the confusion, the INTENSITY defense tried to turn a double play, but it was too late as Kas had already reached 1st. Katrina, seizing the opportunity, took off for home and scored. Once everything settled down, Erika took her turn at bat. On the 1st pitch, Erika connected. Unfortunately, the ball popped up and the INTENSITY 1st baseman was able to get under it to get the out and secure the victory for INTENSITY.

Final Score

Game Ball
The SKIPPING NINJAS girls put on a very solid performance throughout the whole game despite the final outcome and score. There were some very solid plays made, but there were also some big errors that eventually cost us the game. The silver lining in all of this is that, no matter how bad it got during the game and no matter how far behind we were, none of the SKIPPING NINJAS ever gave up. They fought hard until the end. And that is very commendable. That really shows the true heart and grit of the young ladies that make up this team. On that note, the 1 play that really made a big impact on this game came very late in the 6th inning. After a scoring drought in the 4th and the 5th, Kas was able to get a big hit to bring 2 runs home. Even though the SKIPPING NINJAS lost the game, it was a very exciting play and, for that, Kas was awarded the game ball. Keep the hits coming Kas and way to fight it out SKIPPING NINJAS!

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